Life insurance has
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We partner with the best

We partner with the best

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We partner with the best

Get the best rates
for your needs.

We’ve made it easy to compare rates from
several providers. And our quotes are always
up-to-date, impartial, and transparent.

father holding son against orange wallbackrground image on red color
father holding son against orange background

Get the best rates
for your needs.

We’ve made it easy to compare rates from several providers. And our quotes are always up-to-date, impartial, and transparent.

Looking for Answers? FAQs

1. What is life insurance?
Life insurance is a contract between you and the insurer. In exchange for making premium payments, the insurance company agrees to pay a specific amount to your beneficiaries (usually your loved ones) upon your death.
2. Do I need life insurance?
If you have dependents or loved ones, you likely need life insurance. For parents, life insurance provides coverage for your family. First time home buyers also require insurance for their mortgage. Even if you have life insurance coverage through work, it is often not enough to cover your family's needs (and is tied to staying with your company).

If you're unsure, check out our life insurance calculator to determine your coverage needs today.
4. What kind of insurance does Dundas Life offer?
We offer a full suite of life insurance products from Canada's top life insurance carriers. This includes term life insurance (suitable for most people), whole life insurance, critical illness insurance, disability insurance, and more.

Don't wait. Get the advice you need.

Need some extra guidance? Schedule a call with an expert who cares.

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